
Viewed 53

[root@za2401i07rs02hdp042 ~]# /usr/bin/smartctl
smartctl 6.5 2016-05-07 r4318 [x86_64-linux-3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-16, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

ERROR: smartctl requires a device name as the final command-line argument.

Use smartctl -h to get a usage summary

[root@za2401i07rs02hdp042 ~]# /usr/bin/nvme
usage: nvme [] []

The '' may be either an NVMe character device (ex: /dev/nvme0) or an
nvme block device (ex: /dev/nvme0n1).

The following are all implemented sub-commands:
list List all NVMe devices and namespaces on machine
list-subsys List nvme subsystems
id-ctrl Send NVMe Identify Controller
id-ns Send NVMe Identify Namespace, display structure
list-ns Send NVMe Identify List, display structure
ns-descs Send NVMe Namespace Descriptor List, display structure
id-nvmset Sned NVMe Identify NVM Set List, display structure
create-ns Creates a namespace with the provided parameters
delete-ns Deletes a namespace from the controller
attach-ns Attaches a namespace to requested controller(s)
detach-ns Detaches a namespace from requested controller(s)

[root@za2401i07rs02hdp042 ~]# systemctl status smartd
● smartd.service - Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/smartd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2024-01-08 09:36:21 CST; 1h 10min ago
Docs: man:smartd(8)
Main PID: 169628 (smartd)
Tasks: 1
CGroup: /system.slice/smartd.service
└─169628 /usr/sbin/smartd -n -q never

Jan 08 09:36:22 za2401i07rs02hdp042.sxmcc smartd[169628]: Device: /dev/bus/8 [megaraid_disk_27] [SAT], opened
Jan 08 09:36:22 za2401i07rs02hdp042.sxmcc smartd[169628]: Device: /dev/bus/8 [megaraid_disk_27] [SAT], ST8000NM000A-2KE101, S/N:WSD1X1HT....00 TB
Jan 08 09:36:22 za2401i07rs02hdp042.sxmcc smartd[169628]: Device: /dev/bus/8 [megaraid_disk_27] [SAT], not found in smartd database.
Jan 08 09:36:22 za2401i07rs02hdp042.sxmcc smartd[169628]: Device: /dev/bus/8 [megaraid_disk_27] [SAT], not capable of SMART Health Status check
Jan 08 09:36:22 za2401i07rs02hdp042.sxmcc smartd[169628]: Device: /dev/bus/8 [megaraid_disk_27] [SAT], no ATA CHECK POWER STATUS support...ective
Jan 08 09:36:22 za2401i07rs02hdp042.sxmcc smartd[169628]: Monitoring 12 ATA/SATA, 0 SCSI/SAS and 0 NVMe devices
Jan 08 09:36:47 za2401i07rs02hdp042.sxmcc smartd[169628]: Device: /dev/sdk [SAT], CHECK POWER STATUS spins up disk (0x81 -> 0xff)
Jan 08 10:07:02 za2401i07rs02hdp042.sxmcc smartd[169628]: Device: /dev/sdj [SAT], CHECK POWER STATUS spins up disk (0x81 -> 0xff)
Jan 08 10:07:07 za2401i07rs02hdp042.sxmcc smartd[169628]: Device: /dev/sdl [SAT], CHECK POWER STATUS spins up disk (0x81 -> 0xff)
Jan 08 10:36:57 za2401i07rs02hdp042.sxmcc smartd[169628]: Device: /dev/sdj [SAT], CHECK POWER STATUS spins up disk (0x81 -> 0xff)



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