架构为categraf向n9e-edge上报,所以 categraf的heartbeat 配置地址改为edge的19000端口,但报错:heartbeat.go:160: E! heartbeat status code: 404 response: 404 page not found
同时在n9e web界面看 主机状态全部为 unknown
架构为categraf向n9e-edge上报,所以 categraf的heartbeat 配置地址改为edge的19000端口,但报错:heartbeat.go:160: E! heartbeat status code: 404 response: 404 page not found
同时在n9e web界面看 主机状态全部为 unknown
# whether print configs
print_configs = false
# add label(agent_hostname) to series
# "" -> auto detect hostname
# "xx" -> use specified string xx
# "$hostname" -> auto detect hostname
# "$ip" -> auto detect ip
# "$hostname-$ip" -> auto detect hostname and ip to replace the vars
hostname = "$ip"
# will not add label(agent_hostname) if true
omit_hostname = false
# # s | ms
# precision = "ms"
# global collect interval
interval = 30
# input provider settings; optional: local / http
providers = ["local"]
# region = "shanghai"
# env = "localhost"
# file_name is the file to write logs to
file_name = "stdout"
# options below will not be work when file_name is stdout or stderr
# max_size is the maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated. It defaults to 100 megabytes.
max_size = 100
# max_age is the maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename.
max_age = 1
# max_backups is the maximum number of old log files to retain.
max_backups = 1
# local_time determines if the time used for formatting the timestamps in backup files is the computer's local time.
local_time = true
# Compress determines if the rotated log files should be compressed using gzip.
compress = false
batch = 1000
chan_size = 1000000
url = "http://edgeserver:19000/prometheus/v1/write"
# Basic auth username
basic_auth_user = ""
# Basic auth password
basic_auth_pass = ""
## Optional headers
# headers = ["X-From", "categraf", "X-Xyz", "abc"]
# timeout settings, unit: ms
timeout = 5000
dial_timeout = 2500
max_idle_conns_per_host = 100
enable = false
address = ":9100"
print_access = false
run_mode = "release"
enable = false
## ibex flush interval
interval = "1000ms"
## n9e ibex server rpc address
servers = [""]
## temp script dir
meta_dir = "./meta"
enable = true
# report os version cpu.util mem.util metadata
url = "http://edgeserver:19000/v1/n9e/heartbeat"
# interval, unit: s
interval = 30
# Basic auth username
basic_auth_user = ""
# Basic auth password
basic_auth_pass = ""
## Optional headers
# headers = ["X-From", "categraf", "X-Xyz", "abc"]
# timeout settings, unit: ms
timeout = 5000
dial_timeout = 2500
max_idle_conns_per_host = 100
enable = false
scrape_config_file = "/path/to/in_cluster_scrape.yaml"
## log level, debug warn info error
log_level = "info"
## wal file storage path ,default ./data-agent
# wal_storage_path = "/path/to/storage"
## wal reserve time duration, default value is 2 hour
# wal_min_duration = 2