夜莺v6最新版连接aws redis集群报错

Viewed 54


2023/05/05 11:11:17 main.go:36: failed to initialize: dialector() not supported


# address, ip:port or ip1:port,ip2:port for cluster and sentinel(SentinelAddrs)
Address = "域名"
# Username = ""
Password = "密码"
# DB = 0
UseTLS = true
TLSMinVersion = "1.2"
# standalone cluster sentinel
RedisType = "cluster"
# Mastername for sentinel type
# MasterName = "mymaster"
# SentinelUsername = ""
# SentinelPassword = ""
runner.cwd: /data/n9e
runner.hostname: ip-172-31-2-236.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal
runner.fd_limits: (soft=100000, hard=100000)
runner.vm_limits: (soft=unlimited, hard=unlimited)
redis: 2023/05/05 11:42:37 cluster.go:1760: getting command info: i/o timeout
redis: 2023/05/05 11:42:40 cluster.go:1760: getting command info: i/o timeout
failed to ping redis: i/o timeout
Ncat: Version 7.50 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Connected to
Ncat: 0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received in 0.01 seconds.
2 Answers

怀疑是 DB 的配置问题,贴一下 DB 的配置,贴一下 n9e 进程的启动命令和启动参数

