categraf log rotate 后不释放

Viewed 71



# file_name is the file to write logs to
file_name = "/data0/logs/categraf/categraf.log"

# options below will not be work when file_name is stdout or stderr
# max_size is the maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated. It defaults to 100 megabytes.
max_size = 100
# max_age is the maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename.
max_age = 2
# max_backups is the maximum number of old log files to retain.
max_backups = 10
# local_time determines if the time used for formatting the timestamps in backup files is the computer's local time.
local_time = true
# Compress determines if the rotated log files should be compressed using gzip.
compress = true

ll /data0/logs/categraf/ -ht

total 4.0K
-rw------- 1 root root   0 Apr  5 03:39 categraf.log
-rw------- 1 root root 912 Apr  4 15:09 categraf.log-20230405.gz

lsof |grep categraf.log

categraf  24353          root    3w      REG             253,17     10433   19398661 /data0/logs/categraf/categraf.log-20230405 (deleted)
categraf  24353 20739    root    3w      REG             253,17     10433   19398661 /data0/logs/categraf/categraf.log-20230405 (deleted)
categraf  24353 24354    root    3w      REG             253,17     10433   19398661 /data0/logs/categraf/categraf.log-20230405 (deleted)
categraf  24353 24355    root    3w      REG             253,17     10433   19398661 /data0/logs/categraf/categraf.log-20230405 (deleted)
categraf  24353 24356    root    3w      REG             253,17     10433   19398661 /data0/logs/categraf/categraf.log-20230405 (deleted)
categraf  24353 24357    root    3w      REG             253,17     10433   19398661 /data0/logs/categraf/categraf.log-20230405 (deleted)
categraf  24353 24359    root    3w      REG             253,17     10433   19398661 /data0/logs/categraf/categraf.log-20230405 (deleted)
categraf  24353 24360    root    3w      REG             253,17     10433   19398661 /data0/logs/categraf/categraf.log-20230405 (deleted)
categraf  24353 24361    root    3w      REG             253,17     10433   19398661 /data0/logs/categraf/categraf.log-20230405 (deleted)
categraf  24353 24362    root    3w      REG             253,17     10433   19398661 /data0/logs/categraf/categraf.log-20230405 (deleted)
categraf  24353 24363    root    3w      REG             253,17     10433   19398661 /data0/logs/categraf/categraf.log-20230405 (deleted)
categraf  24353 24364    root    3w      REG             253,17     10433   19398661 /data0/logs/categraf/categraf.log-20230405 (deleted)
categraf  24353 25322    root    3w      REG             253,17     10433   19398661 /data0/logs/categraf/categraf.log-20230405 (deleted)
categraf  24353 25323    root    3w      REG             253,17     10433   19398661 /data0/logs/categraf/categraf.log-20230405 (deleted)


1 Answers



这个得从长计议, 你先用stdout的方式吧